Nutritional Meals

Bush Kids offers morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and late snack. The daily menu is displayed for your perusal. The menu is carefully planned, nutritious and balanced to reflect a variety of fresh food available to children all day. Our Food Co-ordinator welcomes new ideas and recipes from our families. Centre favourite recipes are shared frequently to families. Bush Kids welcome donations of produce, eggs etc that can be shared with children and other families. The Centre is Food Safe trained and accredited.


Parents are requested to supply their baby’s bottles with their milk for the day. Bottles must be transported to the Centre in insulated bags and given directly to a staff member. Bottles must include caps/lids and be named. The Centre promotes breast feeding and supports mothers who wish to continue feeding their baby while at the Centre. The Centre will provide water or milk from sipper cups throughout the day for older babies and children.

The Centre will support the family with weaning from milk to solids. Our Chef will be happy to discuss with you your preferences, tips and recipes and prepare your baby’s food just how you like it.

Food Allergies and Preferences

Bush Kids respect and understand that children may have allergies or preferences to certain foods. On enrolment, please notify your Centre Director and we will provide you with a Health Plan to complete. A meeting will be organized with our Chef to discuss your child’s specific dietary needs, review menus and ways we can best support the family.
The Centre will:
Develop a traffic light system to decipher allergy/medical condition prioritization.

  • Red – Critical and Life threatening
  • Green – (food) Preference eg: personal requests, cultural, Religious, mild allergies but NOT life threatening
  • Yellow – (non food) Preference eg: sunscreen allergies, but NOT life threatening.
  • Brown – Diagnosed Medical conditions not stated above.
    Use the traffic light system in all practices to ensure children with medical conditions are kept safe and healthy

Use coloured plates according to traffic light system to ensure staff are clear about the children in their care with food allergies. Display posters of children’s names in traffic light colours so all staff and visitors are aware of allergies/medical conditions. Our Bush Kids team are regularly trained in first aid, food safety and anaphylaxis emergencies.

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